Show your light

 One of the things the Navy emphasizes it training.In my division my CPO had scheduled a training session on personal finance. Being that I had a Management Science degree from Georgia Tech and had take personal finance, I was well qualified to teach this class. The only thing was, I wasn't supposed to teach it. My CPO had scheduled someone to teach our junior enlisted this class. As the division officer, I was only to observe and make sure they received the training they were supposed to receive.

Well, if that had happened, I wouldn't be writing this. The person who was supposed to teach it got called away. So there we were, in my space (what you call your room, location, area your in charge of in the Navy) and no one to teach. Being as I am the DivO I stepped up. I told my CPO, "No problem, I'll teach this lesson." 

Ok, I need to let everyone know, that as a Management Science Major at Georgia Tech, I was required to take public speaking. When I joined Toastmasters, I realized that the Public Speaking course at Georgia Tech was IDENTICAL to the Competent Communicator curriculum for Toastmasters. Continuing.

I looked at the text, but being that I was not only a defacto CC and majored in money, I informed my division while barely looking over the material. Note that I also took into account my Navy experience and made sure ALL of my enlisted men knew they could sign up for the Navy Federal Credit Union while overseas. This has changed over the years, but back in my day enlisted could ONLY apply at non-US locations. Since we were on a Mediterranean tour, I encouraged them all to sign up. 

This impressed my CPO. He said to me, "Mr. Jackson, you barely looked over the book before you delivered your speech." I let him know that this was my wheelhouse and it was easy for my to inform my men on how to maximize there potential. I have to admit, I had a sense of pride when one of my seaman (E3), Petty Officers start at E4, came to me and said, "I signed up for Navy Federal, while we're here in Italy."

This is the epitome of leadership when you influence someone to take a positive step in their life. I simply told him, "Good job" but he couldn't see how I was beaming later on!


  1. Training is an excellent source because we don't know everything.

  2. I love the nomenclature, "majored in money!" Even that simple title helps people understand what your expertise is. And the fact that you had your men open up a Navy Federal bank account while overseas made it all real to them I'm sure. They clearly trusted that you knew what you were talking about. Excellent work, Jerry. And you're still sharing that knowledge with Goodwill Alumni Association members. Valerie Johnson


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