The Incident
Note that is one is not in order relative to the other posts. This one takes place while Captain A was in charge. It happened while prepping to go to the Med. Note that there will some graphic content discussed. Before the issue can be further discussed and analyzed, the stage must be set. For this, we go back a few days when the group was in Puerto Rico. We were anchored just off the base and had to run small boats to the base. We were allowed full use of the base but since we were only planning to be there for only a couple of day, we were not allowed off the base. In the group were five ships, LPH (helo carrier), LKA (amphib repair ship), LSD (my ship, medium troop carrier with a helo deck and well deck), LPD (larger troop carrier similar to LSD but has a helo hangar), and LST (flat bottomed troop carrier designed to go on the beach, let vehicles roll off the top, then pull themselves off). As I was coming on watch, on the bridge since we're running boats and not tied to a pier...